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From Pixelmon Wiki

PixelEvent is a Pixelmon sidemod and Sponge plugin for creating custom events within a limited time, wherein players need to make a specific action (either capturing or defeating Pokémon) and are rewarded according to a leaderboard system. The specific actions and rewards are entirely customizable.


Minecraft version Pixelmon version PixelEvent version
1.12.2 8.1.0 7.3
1.12.2 7.0+ 7.2.1

PixelEvent is a Sponge plugin, which means it's only server-side. You need Pixelmon Mod, GriefPrevention or GriefDefender and SpongeForge to run it. Download the plugin jar and put it in the mods folder. Configuration can be found inside /config/PixelEvent after the server is first started with the plugin.


First, the config.cfg file needs to be edited to change the reward command (see reward module). To quickly create the event, you can use /pea config then follow the gui. You can check the existing settings using /pe info. Once you have finished configuring, start the event with /pea start.

Example events:

  • Defeat Rattata
  • Defeat a Water-type Pokémon
  • Capture a Fire-type Pokémon
  • Capture a Caterpie
  • Capture a Caterpie with an Ultra Ball
  • Capture a Water-type Pokémon with a Love Ball


Note: Command syntax is displayed in the standard Minecraft command format. An explanation of this format can be found here.

Player commands

  • /pixelevent score (or /pe score) : Displays your score.
  • /pixelevent info (or /pe info) : Display all information about the event.
  • /pixelevent leaderboard (or /pe leaderboard) : Displays the leaderboard.
  • /pixelevent togglemsg (or /pe togglemsg) : Hide point message.

Staff commands

  • /pixeleventadmin discord (or /pea wiki): Send the Discord of the dev of this plugin.
  • /pixeleventadmin wiki (or /pea wiki): Sends the URL of this wiki page.
  • /pixeleventadmin config (or /pea config): Do this command for easy setup of the config with a GUI.
  • /pixeleventadmin start (or /pea start): Starts the event.
  • /pixeleventadmin stop (or /pea stop): Stops the event and cancels it (No reward).
  • /pixeleventadmin timer (or /pea timer): Changes the time for your event.
  • /pixeleventadmin ball (or /pea ball): Change balls settings for the Capture Event.
  • /pixeleventadmin setpokemon <Pokémon name/all> (or /pea setpokemon <Pokémon name/all>): Define a new Pokémon for the event (Magikarp etc or no restriction with 'all').
  • /pixeleventadmin type (or /pea type): Change types settings for the event (Water for example).
  • /pixeleventadmin event (or /pea event): Change the event (Capture or Kill).
  • /pixeleventadmin reload (or /pea reload): Reload the config and the lang file.
  • /pixeleventadmin info (or /pea info): See how the config is actually set.
  • /pixeleventadmin check (or /pea check): This command will tell you if your config is setup correctly, else it tells you the error in the config.
  • /pixeleventadmin addclaimwhitelist (or /pea addclaimwhitelist): When doing this in a claim, add the claim into the whitelist.
  • /pixeleventadmin removeclaimwhitelist (or /pea removeclaimwhitelist): When doing this in a claim, remove the claim of the whitelist.
  • /pixeleventadmin addclaimblacklist (or /pea addclaimblacklist): When doing this in a claim, add the claim into the blacklist.
  • /pixeleventadmin removeclaimblacklist (or /pea removeclaimblacklist): When doing this in a claim, remove the claim of the blacklist.
  • /pear : Change the config to do random event. You can add -capture to force event to be Capture, -kill and if you put -pokemon/-ball/-type it will force the option to be "all".


Player nodes

  • /pixelevent: pixelevent.command.pixelevent

Staff nodes

  • /pixeleventadmin: pixelevent.command.pixeleventadmin
  • /pixelevent leaderboard (To bypass the config during the event): pixelevent.command.leaderboard
  • /pear: pixelevent.command.pixeleventadminrandom


I highly recommand to use the /pea <configname> (like /pea type) to change the config through the GUI.

General configuration

Option Description
timer Set the timer of the event in minutes.
event Type of event (Capture or Kill).
name Name of the Pokémon (set all for any pokemon).
type whitelist Type of the Pokémon that players need to capture/kill.
type blacklist Type of the Pokémon that players can't capture/kill.
ball whitelist Type of the ball players need to use for the capture event.
ball blacklist Type of the ball players can't use for the capture event.
leaderboard Set true to allow users to do /leaderboard during the event.
enablebossbar Set true to display boss bar during the event.
goal Set a value to set the goal value, if player reach it, the event is stopped, set 0 to use the time only.

Area configuration

Option Description
allowclaim Set to true to allow the event to work in all claims.
allowwilderness Set to true to allow the event to work in the wilderness.
whitelistclaim List of claim UUIDs that you want to make the event work in.
blacklistclaim List of claim UUIDs that you want to make the event won't work.

Reward configuration

Option Description (Add kill; or capture; above a command to give specific reward depend of Capture or Kill event) Example
rewardfirst Reward cmd for the winner. capture;give %player% minecraft:diamond 20
rewardsecond Reward cmd for the second player. kill;give %player% minecraft:diamond 15
rewardthirth Reward cmd for the third player. give %player% minecraft:diamond 10
rewardfourth Reward cmd for the fourth player. give %player% minecraft:diamond 5
rewardfifth Reward cmd for the fifth player. give %player% minecraft:diamond 3
rewardplaying Reward cmd for the all players that do the event and get above the minimum score and that aren't in the top 5. give %player% minecraft:diamond 1
minscorerewardplaying How many points players must have to get the rewardplaying reward. 10
rewardlevel Add reward for each level player will have. Format : amount;cmd. Empty

Lang configuration

You can edit messages in the lang.cfg file.

After saving, you can /pea reload to reload the language file.

If you want to put color in your messages, use color node §, for example: §aWell done!

Placeholder Description
{event} Replaced by capture/kill.
{pokemon} Name of the Pokémon.
{type} Type of the Pokémon.
{ball} Name of the ball.
{mtimeleft} Remaining minutes (bossbar).
{stimeleft} Remaining seconds (bossbar).
{player} Player's name.
{score} Score of the player.
{level} Each level player will exceed.
{claimlistsize} Claim list size for blacklist/whitelist.
{goal} The goal value if different of 0.
{minutes} & {seconds} Time remaining (GUI).

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