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From Pixelmon Wiki

PixelMoney is a Pixelmon sidemod and Sponge plugin used to set cash rewards for beating Pixelmon trainers, as well as catching or defeating wild Pokémon.


Minecraft version Pixelmon version PixelMoney version
1.12.2 8.0.0+ 3.0.6
1.12.2 7.0.8+ 3.0.4
1.12.2 7.0+ 3.0.3
1.12.2 6.3+ 3.0.0
1.12.2 6.0+ 2.1.0
1.10.2 5.1.0+ 2.0.0

PixelMoney is a Sponge plugin, which means it is only for installation on servers. It requires that both Pixelmon and SpongeForge are installed, along with an economy plugin such as TotalEconomy. The plugin only needs to be in the mods directory of the server for it to run.

  1. Download PixelMoney for your version of Minecraft here.
  2. Place the jar inside the mods folder in the server root directory (in the same directory as SpongeForge).
  3. If you are coming off of an older version, back up your current pixelmoney.conf and delete it so a new one is generated.
  4. Copy/paste the default group and change whatever you want. Don't forget to change group's id, it must be unique.


Assuming you are using LuckPerms as permission management plugin run the command below to allow players to receive rewards:

/lp <user/group> <player/group> meta set pixelmoney:group <group-id>

Example: /lp user DaeM0nS meta set pixelmoney:group default

You can also set money multiplier for specific ranks or players when they're using pixelmoney features:

/lp <user/group> <player/group> meta set pixelmoney:multiplier <multiplierAmount>

Example: /lp user DaeM0nS meta set pixelmoney:multiplier 2.0


Different reward templates can be created by using the same format as the sample provided in configuration file, copy and paste following the JSON format and remember to modify the reward template ID, it must be unique. The configuration file is commented so read the rest of information about configuration from there.


Note: Command syntax is displayed in the standard Minecraft command format. An explanation of this format can be found here.

  • /pixelmoney togglemsg - pixelmoney.command.toggle -> Enable/disable reward messages.

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