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Attack Animations

From Pixelmon Wiki
Motion Archetype Variables
leap forward

The Pokemon hops forward a short distance and then hops back.

effect: An animation data object to play when they leap forward. By default, there is no effect.

The Pokemon stands still.

effects: A map of tick to animation data object that will occur at that tick. If you have an effect assigned to “0”, then it will start that effect instantly, while one at “40” will take 2 seconds before beginning the effect. By default this is empty.

durationTicks: The amount of time the animation should wait before signalling itself as completeso the battle can proceed. Defaults to 0, and only waits until the last of the effects isstarted.


The Pokemon jumps up in the air and then, faster than it jumped, falls to the ground.

jumpPower: The power with which the user will be thrown into the air. By default this will be 0.1×√𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

landPower: The power with which the user will be thrown back to the ground once they’ve reached the top of their jump. By default, this is −0.4×√𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟


The Pokemon suddenly increases or decreases in size.

growthIncrement: The size of the increase or decrease in growth. -1 changes growth from Ordinary to Small during a tick. -2 changes growth from Ordinary to Runt during a tick. Min -8; Max 8; Can be negative or positive but not 0;

growthQuantity: The amount of times size is adjusted during a tick. Useful so that you can see each individual size change. Ex: growthIncrement = -3, growthQuantity = 1. You see the pokemon shrink once by a lot. Ex: growthIncrement = -1, growthQuantity = 3. You see the pokemon shrink thrice by a little. Min 1; Max 5; Cannot be 0;

returnToOriginalSize: Whether the Pokemon should return to the size it started at before the animation, once the animation is complete.


The Pokemon moves toward its target, potentially knocking it back, and then both Pokemon return toward their initial position.

acceleration: The rate of change of velocity of the Pokemon. Can be a negative or positive value. If not set, defaults to the move's power divided by 40.

initialVelocity: The velocity the Pokemon starts their animation at. If not set, defaults to a value of 0.

knockback: Whether the attacking Pokemon will knock back the defending Pokemon. The knockback speed & distance is based off of the speed of the pokemon and the starting distance between them, adjusted based on the percentage of health lost. Typically, any move that does <10% damage isn't going to move the opponent much. Defaults to true.

maxUserVelocity: The maximum velocity the Pokemon can reach. Defaults to a value of 3.

returnToStart: Value that determines whether the Pokemon return to the positions they were at before the animation happened. Defaults to true.

Existing particle textures (Case sensitive! Located at assets/pixelmon/textures/particles):

  • BUBBLE (bubble.png)
  • DOWN_ARROW (downarrow.png)
  • FEATHER (feather.png)
  • FLAME (flame.png)
  • GOLD_NUGGET (gold_nugget.png)
  • HEART_RED (heartred.png)
  • LEAF (leaf.png)
  • NORMAL (attack.png)
  • ORB (orb.png)
  • PETAL (petal.png)
  • SOLID (solid.png)
  • SPIRAL (spiral.png)
  • WATER (water.png)
  • UP_ARROW(uparrow.png)

Variables for all effects with particles

The texture of the particle from the list. This defaults to NORMAL, unless it’s a water, fire, or grass type move.


The size of the particle. Defaults to [(0.03×𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟):5]+0.15


A list of three integers between 0-255 that represent the red, green, and blue tint to lay over the particle. For coloured particle textures this will have weird results. Defaults to whichever colour matches the type.


How long (in ticks) after the particle reaches its destination that it will remain alive.


A whole number that defaults to the effective power of the move. This value is used differently in different effects, in some cases not being used at all.


A decimal number that usually controls the speed of the particles in an effect. This value is sometimes used differently by effects. Defaults to 1.

Effect Variables

A cluster of particles moves towards the target, spreading out over time.

Only the standard particle variables, but with different defaults.
  • speed default: 0.8
  • power default: 10 if the move is also a status move

Many particles move one after the other, in a line, towards the target.

  • segments: The number of ‘waves’ in the beam. Defaults to 15.
  • power: For beams, the power is used for how many particles in each‘wave’ of the beam. The number of particles in each wave is given as (𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟:10)+5
  • inverted: True if the effect should play in reverse, with the particles starting at the target and being absorbed by the user. When this is true, variation is interpreted differently.
  • variation: How broad the beam should be. A smaller value is a narrower beam. Defaults to 0.25.

When inverted is true, this variable works differently. It thenbecomes a measure of how slow it is to tighten into a thin beam. The percentage movementtowards the centerline is given by 100×(1−𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛). 0.75 is a modest speed, 0.9 is very rapid.


Particles spawn in a circle, from the ground, and move towards the Pokemon, while slowly rising.

  • speed default: 0.25
  • arTarget: Whether or not the effect will centre around the target. Defaults to true.

Many particles quickly burst out of the Pokemon and then fade away very quickly.

  • power: For explosions, the power is used for how many particles to spawn in the explosion.
  • atTarget: Whether or not the explosion will occur at the target of the move instead of at the user. Defaults to false
  • speed default: A number between 1.2 and 2.2

Particles expand out of the Pokemon, moving along the horizontal axis, while maintaining the shape of a circle centered on the Pokemon.

  • totalPoints: The number of particles to have in the pulse. Defaults to 36.
  • power: Used to calculate a default radius, seen below.
  • radius: The radius of the pulse before the particles start fading and vanishing. Defaults to √𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟

Particles spawn at a height above the Pokemon, and fall down towards the ground, potentially bouncing off the Pokemon.

  • durationTicks: The number of ticks the effect should last.
  • maxHorizontalDisplacement: How much horizontal movement the particle can make as it falls. 0 makes the particle fall directly down.
  • heightAboveTarget: How high above the target the particles will begin falling from
  • power: In the rain effect, the power is used to calculate how many particles will fall in each tick. The number of particles to fall in each tick is calculated as: 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑(𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟:𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑇𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑠), meaning that roughly speaking the power variable isan estimate ofhow many particles will fall in total. Power CANNOT be less than half of durationTicks or no particles will fire.

Particles spawn in a random and uniform distribution within a circle and then rise up.

  • acceleration: The rate of change of velocity of the particles. Can be a negative or positive value. Defaults to 0.1.
  • durationTicks: The number of ticks the effect should last. Defaults to 50.
  • particleAmount: How many particles the animation should have in total. Defaults to 15.
  • radius: The size of the circle the particles should spawn in. Defaults to 1.
  • startHeight: The height above the ground the particles should start at. Defaults to 0.
  • endHeight: The height above the ground the particles should end at. Defaults to 3.
  • sparkle: Whether the particles should sparkle when they begin to fade away. Defaults to false.

Particles spawn around the Pokemon in a circle and rotate around the Pokemon while rising up, to create a corkscrew/helix shape. Optionally, the tube may narrow at the bottom to appear as a cone.

  • segments: The number of ‘levels’ in the tube. Defaults to 13.
  • power: For tubes, the power is used for how many particles in each ‘level’ of the tube. It also has a new default of 6.
  • radius: The radius of the tube at the top. Defaults to 2
  • conical: Whether or not this will be in the shape of a cone (in other words, whether the tube will be narrower at the bottom). If this is true, then the options below are usable.
  • narrowness: How tight the cone should be.A smaller value is a more slowly widening cone. Defaults to 0.25.
  • apexRadius: The radius of the circle at the bottom of the cone. Defaults to zero, meaning the cone comes to a point.

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