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By westonman21
SPG wrote:
westonman21 wrote:
SPG wrote:we wont accept any gen 6 pokemon until gen 7 comes out, so dont waste your time

Hey I need to contact you but can't on iPad so I'll do it here ves quit does that mean his model won't make it in and milotic won't be added? :( milotics my favorite pokemon

first of all, ves is a girl, second of all, she quit for a few reasons that dont need to be named and all models she made wont be used because we dont have them. as for not being able to edit your post has nothing to do with your (crappy) apple device, its because I locked the thread so you wouldnt be able to edit any post made, or post new things, anyways, this is off topic

I actually meant the contact you button your page and sorry I didn't know she was a girl.