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By pibbty
#7361 Do fossils spawn naturally? I was mining for like 3 hours looking for any fossil and could not find one anywhere. If they do spawn could anybody tell me where they spawn and at what block level. Thanks

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By MrMasochism
#7364 They do but they are very rare. I might look at increasing their spawn rate in future releases. Mostly they are found below oceans in about a 20 block band below them
By pibbty
MrMasochism wrote:They do but they are very rare. I might look at increasing their spawn rate in future releases. Mostly they are found below oceans in about a 20 block band below them

Ok thanks for the help. i will get to mining in a ocean.
By lakeyja900
#7534 Are fossils rare?
Jack_Attack12 wrote:VERY.

where do they appear?
Jack_Attack12 wrote:Oceon bioms level 40-60
By TLesniak
#8059 They recently discussed this in another tread. I haven't tested it out for myself but they recommended altering your texture pack in order to find it easier. They're supposed to be very well camouflaged.