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By Animalol
Tom_X wrote:If Mr.M gets to read this, it'd be really cool to implement a piece of code so that hypno's and drowzees are "attracted" to glass and glass panes, so they walk until they find one and then stare through them. Then we just deny that the code even exists, and we let players make their own hypothesis of why it happens. Would be so fun...

No, Tom. Bad! D: I don't want a Drowzee watching me sleep at night. ;~;

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By Tom_X
#70218 They won't just watch you sleep at night, they'll watch you ALL the time! Isn't that fun? It's like a puppy when you've got food in your hand, just that these want to kidnap you! :D
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By Foquine
#70220 Would be better if Slowpoke stares at you...
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By Tom_X
#70226 But making slowpoke stare through a window would make no sense