By Lettucecow
#59688 Whoah! Cool! Lets start on the trek to victory road now!

By Waterboyr
#59693 I know what it was.
On the plane ride to Kanto I call the boss and tell him. He Says he will meet me at the tournament.
"So guys... How many badges do we have again? If we have 8 we can skip most of the Indigo Plateua tournament and get to the finals!"
By Lettucecow
#59758 [What tournament?We're going to victory road to elite four -.-]
By Waterboyr
#59773 (Um well why not victory road Kanto? And the tournament to become the champion? Sigh, Indigo Plateu tournament?)
By Lettucecow
#59872 [um......dude we're not in kanto and the region i made up is supposed to very far away from the other regions, why are going to kanto?]
By Waterboyr
#59888 (Victory Road? Well then pretend we have to fly to the Victory Road on our region there)
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By Umbreon1110
#59901 Meanwhile...
Coconut, who I had sent out to find the others, was circling above them. He descended, holding a small map I had given him n his mouth...

Back to moi...
Me and Blitz were exploring the abandoned road. Nothing but Zubats so far. I wondered why this place was abandoned in the first place. Then, a dull thud echoed through the tunnel...
By Lettucecow
#59939 lets go in! [I start walking through the cave when i suddenly hear some screeching deeper in the cave so i walk there to investigate but then I get surrounded by golbats, crobats, woobats, and swoobats.] OH GOD! BATS!