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By Rzxa
Blaze150 wrote:Ok some of the things here sound really painfull
Anyway this is not the worst thing ive done to myself but its the most recent i was fire-twirling on the weekend and half-way through while going full speed i hit myself in the crutch and just to be clear this a fire twirling staff is a metal pole with the ends on fire but i was a performance so i improvised and had to keep going i was down for about half an hour after that

So your training to be a Fire type pokemon

By Lettucecow
Blaze150 wrote:Ok some of the things here sound really painfull
Anyway this is not the worst thing ive done to myself but its the most recent i was fire-twirling on the weekend and half-way through while going full speed i hit myself in the crutch and just to be clear this a fire twirling staff is a metal pole with the ends on fire but i was a performance so i improvised and had to keep going i was down for about half an hour after that

That sounds a LOT more painful then a fishing rod to the groin.
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By Kyiv
#56017 I was ermm... clumsy and as I was playing tag with my friends, I tripped and landed on a sharp corner on the column and my ankle was cut open. I just went to the nurse to get a painkiller and a bandaid. I had to limp the whole day in school...... (I hate when the cotton sticks to your scab!) It had cut open near a vein on my ankle.