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By Tsev92
#32118 Ok, so as I am wandering around searching for a mew, it occurred to me, I have no idea how to promote pixelmon to spawn. Do they spawn in a chunk the player is present in? Do they have a higher spawn rate when a chunk is empty of players? I know certain pokemon spawn my biomes, but how do you promote more pokemon to spawn? In my experiences, it would seem the longer I stayed in a certain area, the more pokemon that would spawn, just curious as to the exact mechanics so I can utilize my hunting time effectively.

By jeremy58589721
Tsev92 wrote:Ok, so as I am wandering around searching for a mew, it occurred to me, I have no idea how to promote pixelmon to spawn. Do they spawn in a chunk the player is present in? Do they have a higher spawn rate when a chunk is empty of players? I know certain pokemon spawn my biomes, but how do you promote more pokemon to spawn? In my experiences, it would seem the longer I stayed in a certain area, the more pokemon that would spawn, just curious as to the exact mechanics so I can utilize my hunting time effectively.

from what i hear mew is found in jungles but from what i noticed if you run around and let the chunks unload new pixelmon will be there... i would suggest you cut down every tree cause pixelmon can spawn in leaves and ontop of trees and being a jungle a tree top spawning would be hard to spot (atleast i think they spawn on trees, ive found a few pixelmon on tree tops that didnt have any easy way of getting up there)