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By 9Tales
#216160 When you are using the new flying mechanics, I feel that your flying stamina should be recharged when your flying mount lands on the ground.

Currently, you have to dismount, recall your Pokemon, sent it back out, and mount it again to gain the ability to fly back. The tediousness of this gets annoying. It would be nicer if stamina recharges immediately upon landing. You won't have to dismount. That would prevent infinite flying all the same, but also save a bit of time and effort from recalling and sending back out the Pokemon.

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By SKyTheThunder
#216168 Or at least a gradual recharge over a couple seconds, letting the Pokémon "breath" for a bit.
Instant full recharge would encourage a weird "hopping" method, bouncing your flier off the ground to recharge.
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By 9Tales
#217511 Maybe every 2 or 3 seconds on the ground or in a Poke Ball would restore 1 stamina charge. If you are riding a Pokemon with 3 total stamina charges, it would take 6 to 9 seconds to fill them all. Doing it this way would make the filling of stamina charges more consistent, since it would fill up just as fast when on the ground as in a Poke Ball. After all, the Pokemon is resting either way.

This can be shown in real time if my suggestion for stamina charges being shown in the GUI when riding a flying mount were incorporated, given that you are still riding the Pokemon. You'd see them filling back up.