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By Il_Lupo
#192959 I know, I know, it has a fantastic and convenient installer. However, my Java's finally completely lost the ghost (or however you say it) and while Minecraft still works without it, I can't open or use any .jar files. I have the universal file for Forge 1.10.2, and am willing to install it the long way, but I haven't had any luck in finding out how.

Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks :)

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By MrMasochism
#193077 You just run the install file to install forge. However if you can't run any jar's then you won't be able to install that. I'd suggest clearing out all your java installs and then installing one nice Java 8 64-bit install, make sure you restart inbetween and then after
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By Il_Lupo
#193090 I ended up using the Pixelmon Launcher, and it installed its own micro-java and forge without needing full java :)

I have tried that method, but it's just completely broken on my PC. Thanks for the answer anyway.