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By lugiaisbeast101
#18141 Gen 1 is nearly , yay! Now I have a question, why isn't this Charizard approved? Is it being animated or dropped altogether? It had over 90 votes so I'm guessing it's the most favored on, and you could easily tell which one had the most effort put in. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1002
I have been wondering this for a while now.

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#18142 it was approved, nick just never gave us the model, and if he did, felix needs to code it in, same goes for charmander (but we have that mdoel)

edi - nope, we have nick's model in dropbox, so you will most likely see him in the next update
By lugiaisbeast101
SPG wrote:it was approved, nick just never gave us the model, and if he did, felix needs to code it in, same goes for charmander (but we have that model)

Edit: Oh ok that's good news then :) thx