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By PinkOnion1
#137266 The Pokeball Function was definitely disabled, so it was a Boss.
As for the Shininess, it wouldn't have that Star if it wasn't, and it definitely had the sparkle effect.
Gameshark even pointed it out as a Shiny instead of a boss, using the green indication line.
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By Some Body
Lizzy39632 » 14 Sep 2014 00:55 wrote:It can't be a shiny and a boss at the same time :|

Yes it can. /pokespawn one and you'll see.
PinkOnion1 » 14 Sep 2014 00:45 wrote:Anyone have exact odds for this kind of encounter?

Assuming the default shiny rate, the chance of that is 1/2,048,000.
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By KiraTsukasa
#137351 What will really get you later is a yellow boss Spearow looks almost identical to a shiny Spearow. I found that out the hard way.
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By Zuaro
#137365 Someone found a Blue Boss, Shiny Drifloon on my server weeks ago. So it's not just you. :P
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By bobbanana09
Assuming the default shiny rate, the chance of that is 1/2,048,000.

That's how rare it is? Happened to me twice. ._.