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By MrMasochism
#43651 Hi Guys,

I'm in the middle of writing some new features for pixelmon and need a few models done for me. What I'm needing is a set of 3d icons that will hover over npc's heads. These icons will be:
- battle
- trade
- heal
- shop

I'd like to get a few different submissions for this and the winning submitter will get a npc named after them.

Go at it!


Here's my very poor mockup of a battling icon:

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By KuryoZT
#43701 I'm just asking, I might try, not sure yet.
Do it need to be words, like "battle" or can it be some images, like swords?
Edit: ok, a new post would be useless I think, so I'll edit that older one, hoping someone will see it.
I can't draw :( I tried, but a kindergartener would do better than me, seriously shamefull me.
Anyway, I can still TRY to help, take it if you want, I don't think you will though. Anway, here I go:
battle: could be 2 swords crossed, or 2 Ps, for Poke\Pixelmon. |
Trade: I see the old way of trading pokemon here, with the tube and shower-like end /\, you see?
I'll try to get an image to show better my idea, if you want.
Heal: soe stars maybe? like the new heal effect in some of the latter games. or pluses (multiple plus)
+ +
+ +

Shop: the pokeball symbol? or coins maybe?

Anyway, thanks for reading, and don't mind me.
By karrybird
#43781 do they need to be models, or can they be sprites?
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By MrMasochism
#43801 Models objs or techne I don't mind. No words. The icons will need to convey their point, battling, healing and shopping are easy trading slightly tougher
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#43809 this needs to end after i get home and make my own set xD i already know what i want to do, but i cant right now
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By Il_Lupo
#43940 Had a quick go at making an icon. For mine, only the texture would be changed, so it's fairly simple to remake and go for other purposes.

This is an example of my Battle Icon:


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By Il_Lupo
#43979 Or a boss, I guess. I could use a pokeball for Battling symbol, but that's usually the symbol for the Pokemart. An explosion could do, as well.