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By GloriousMonkey
#128145 Ok well this is off the topic of pixelmon, but I was wondering are the creators of pixelmon going to make a (Magic The Gathering) mod for minecraft. An no I don't mean the crappy one that some one made like a survival with out the cards. basically all I want to know is if there going to make one how I think it could be made... Yes it sounds selfish but all I want to do is give my opinion on what I think they should do, Because all they rally need to do is paste an re-use codes from pixelmon.... basically your making MTG over pixelmon.... can one try to hear what I think.

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By bobbanana09
#128146 Probably not.

They have better things to do, which actually directly involve the mod.
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By Lemonita
#128151 I don't think so, Pixelmonmod is a few years work of some awesome developers that brought a new aspect to minecraft and pokemon. They are having a hard time getting all the requested features and new pixelmon into the mod which takes up all of their time.
By GloriousMonkey
#128153 Well yeah I know but they already have the detail out an the codes an pixelmon... but what I mean is they simply past over pixelmon with some new codes an use most of the codes from pixelmon to make MTG its really simple but for some reason no one gets it but me?
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By Animalol
#128154 Where did you hear that the devs are "working on a new mod"? I haven't heard anything of the sorts. Heck, I don't even know what MTG is. But from what I've heard, our devs aren't working on any other mod but Pixelmon, and I don't believe they intend on working on any other mod while working on Pixelmon.
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By Burgy
#128196 I sense flaming is to come.
As well as the fact that this thread will have no progress in its life, so;