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By Conveyy
#96506 Hello there!

A month back a friend and I were deciding to start up a Pixelmon Server as we both had gathered ideas on how to make it workout for the best. Unfortunately, my friend passed away 2 weeks ago. I'd like to create a server in his memory,however, I need help in order to set up this server. I've moderatered and been lead-staff of other minecraft servers before such as hub networks. I have experience but I'll need help from capable people in order to get this server up and running. If there is anyone with any experience with servers and running servers or any of the similar, apply please:

Code: Select allName:
Amount of Experience:
Contact info:
Dedicated time:
What you can bring:

I'm mainly looking for developers but I wouldn't mind a few moderators or admins.

If you guys would like more information, leave your skype and we can discuss on whatever you'd like.

Note: This server isn't up or even running. It is in planning and I have ideas on how I want it to run.

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By Animalol
#96510 Moving to Off-Topic.
Server Listing is for servers only, not requesting Staff.

Have a happy New Year!