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By h2oacidic
#86799 So I'm not to hosting a server and I'm in need of help. Anyways, the issue I'm having is I'd like to run using mcpc+, but when I do the pokemon commands don't show up under /help, but they do if I switch to forgemod. Also, I noticed that when I load up mcpc+ jar file that the FML and a few other things are outdated or at least that's what it tells me. For all I know it could be the map that I'm using, but shouldn't there be a way to make it work again other than going back to forgemod? Someone able to help me out? I don't host the server via my PC. I happen to pay for my serer so again any help would be great.

By h2oacidic
MoeBoy76 wrote:if you are using the latest version of MCPC it should be fine and to get pixelmon commands to work you need to add
- pixelmon.commands.CommandBattle
- pixelmon.commands.CommandFreeze
- pixelmon.commands.CommandHeal
- pixelmon.commands.CommandPokegive
- pixelmon.commands.CommandSpawn
- pixelmon.commands.CommandStruc
to your permission plugin for whoever is supposed to have each command

Feel free to PM me with instructions and I'll bring up my FTP and mcmyadmin so I can switch it back to MCPC+.