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By EmperorEhryn
#86295 Lots of work ahead of you guys, I sincerely hope it continues to grow and grow and hopefully something like Gamefreak doesn't step in and try to ruin the fun. Game companies can be touchy.

By magikarpisop
SPG wrote:because they are op so we dont want them to spawn until we add an extremly hard way, it was ment to come sooner thne planned, but things happen and plans get pushed back
(I'm not trying to make you feel bad lol) Actually Zapdos which is the highest ranked legendary bird is UU in the smogon tier list. If you actually think they're op then you probably never played pokemon competitively (which isn't really a bad thing)
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magikarpisop wrote:
SPG wrote:because they are op so we dont want them to spawn until we add an extremly hard way, it was ment to come sooner thne planned, but things happen and plans get pushed back
(I'm not trying to make you feel bad lol) Actually Zapdos which is the highest ranked legendary bird is UU in the smogon tier list. If you actually think they're op then you probably never played pokemon competitively (which isn't really a bad thing)

ok and? if you havent noticed, thats compared against about 600 other pokemon, we dont have that many, so that argument is rather poor