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By EmperorEhryn
#83044 I explored a huge abandoned mineshaft, and got attacked by a Golbat while spiders stomped my face to death. Found 2 nametags though

Lost several diamonds cause for some reason my staircase out was gone and I fell into lava instead

Trapped a shiny Vulpix in a dirt hole and sobbed quietly cause I had no pokeballs to catch it with. It was pretty cool though

Explored a vast icy forest and tundra where I found a ton of leaf stone shards and magnemites, a good source of Iron Ingots.

Got more diamonds, made a 64 stack of ultraballs, and caught me a Rhyhorn, Squirtle, Elcetabuzz, and Gastly. Along with Charizard this is going to be my exploring team for now.

Found a pokecenter, stole its red light box thingy to make my own PC.

Got food, got pokeballs, got my team. I'm goin to set some rules for myself though like.. Only catching shiny pokemon now. Kill all bosses I can find.

By EmperorEhryn
#83160 After the next night things went odd but smooth.

I caught a shiny Numel, which I'll probably never use.

Got exploded by a pressure plate in a desert temple. I saw the shiny blue block and grabbed it then fell right through. I felt like such a noob, and all my gear got blown up. gg 60 ultra balls I made.

Caught an ENORMOUS Snorlax. I diddle you not this is the biggest thing i've ever seen. It could ride an Onix.

Found a couple NPC villages. Those guys have ridiculous noses but I still robbed what I could find. Books, blacksmith chests.

Found several pokemon centers also which had book cases. Much needed

Looted several desert temples and a jungle temples for some diamonds and a ton of gold bars. Got a Diamond pick and Diamond hammer, though those hammers don't last long at all it's a tad sad.

Decided to build a giant building on a lake. Each floor is 15x16 and there's like, 6 or 7 floors so far. Going to theme each floor as well, first floor is the library!

Put enchanting table in library. Made Fortune 3, Eff 4 diamond pickaxe. So giddy about that.. except I don't need any more mining done probably like ever. Oh well
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By dungeonlord
#83364 i agree that the hammers (even the diamond ones) seem like they break in no time at all.

ps a tip for later is if you every explore ravines again take weak pokemon and let them faint then the golbats wont attack you
By EmperorEhryn
#83480 Yeah I thought of that after it happened. I got my gimp shiny Numel which I will probably use for that. I made a dope Pickaxe so eventually I wanna go Diamond gathering and make bases in each biome. Another question I thought of

If you flatten out a hills biome will pixelmon still spawn there? Or if you burn down a Jungle?
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By dungeonlord
EmperorEhryn wrote:Yeah I thought of that after it happened. I got my gimp shiny Numel which I will probably use for that. I made a dope Pickaxe so eventually I wanna go Diamond gathering and make bases in each biome. Another question I thought of

If you flatten out a hills biome will pixelmon still spawn there? Or if you burn down a Jungle?

about the hills i have no idea. for the jungle question i have made a base in one and torched about a quarter of it then replanted with birch trees (i like the ligher colored planks) and i seem to get less spawns of the deep jungle creatures like arbok, ekans, pinsir, scyther, venonat, venemoth, oddish, gloom, weepingbell, and bellsprout but i seem to get a lot more of the psyducks, golduck, poliwag, and poliwhirls but still the total amount i have spawn are much less that before i burnt it. (if one of the mods creators reads this i/we would like to know exactly how jungle biomes and spawning mobs work)

the best place i could think of to build a base would be at the edge of a forest next to an ice plains/tiaga biome as the forest has some good low levels and the ice plains/tiaga have the magnemites (infinite iron) and if you get lucky you can catch an eevee and evolve it to a glacion and then go in the mines and pwn some of the trollbats
By EmperorEhryn
#83600 I found a spot that's pretty swanky. It's got a pokecenter on the edge of plains/extreme hills and just a little south is a tiny dessert spot and below that frozen. All split up with River so I can kinda get to everything through there, just bout.

Flyin across an ocean I notice a read lava dot and I was so confused, so I fell down it. It was pretty nice, had 3 different floors where there were air pockets each below 50 cubes so I did some fossil hunting and got a Kabuto. Also some mining and got some diamonds as well.

One thing I'm not liking is how often I find those poison spiders and the mine shafts.
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By dungeonlord
#83609 just surround the spider spawners with torches and they stop spawning.

you have to be careful dropping down towards lava from an ocean one golbat fight and you get pushed into it and die. congrats on your kabuto i remember the old days of yellow where kabutops and slash (which had like a 95% chance to crit) was a force to be reaconed with. i myself found a helix fossil and i'm enjoying my omastar but i wish surf was in the game so it and my cloyster would be more powerful
By EmperorEhryn
#83613 I'm not digging my Kabutops. He's got some okay moves but his weaknesses are like.. To commonly used types. He's weak against Fighting, ground, electric, and grass. Might switch him back out for my Rhydon which was pretty bad ass