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By Echamp
#75867 I was on a plain normal minecraft server and they said minecraft 1.7 was coming out soon. Now I don't know if it's true but I felt like telling you guys.

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By Kuwoobie
#76074 Image
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By tveye
MoeBoy76 wrote:
Veleno wrote:

i didn't actually watch it but what's it got to do with anything? It's only a snapshot video

Looks like a new biome. A mesa with plateaus. Could be a great place for ground and rock Pokemon to spawn.

EDIT: Missed the ending where he included another biome called ice spikes.
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By Blaster
#76276 Is it sad when you don't care about the new features in Minecraft because you have been using mods for a long time. I started modding in 1.7.3 and even to this day, I still don't know of all the new features in 1.6.x
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By Animalol
#76576 Moving to General Discussion.
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By xWildxManx
#78030 Yup, preeeettty much.