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By Taro1
#74635 There is, but I'm not entirely sure how. I think it's s after /pokespawn

By Chison
#75678 /pokespawn pokemon arg1 arg2-This command can spawn in a Pokémon of your choice. arg1 and arg2 are arguments that can be used in this spawning. Here are some arguments you can use:

s-This will make the spawned Pokémon shiny.
boss1-This will spawn you a boss level 1.
boss2-This will spawn you a boss level 2.
boss3-This will spawn you a boss level 3.

Just look at the commands from the wiki. If you want a shiny Jolteon now for example you just write : /pokespawn Jolteon s

And he should spawn. Note that you can't use two boss level at once though but you can get shiny boss pokemon who drop a lot of loot if your intend is farming TM or Held Items.
By ShunkiPvP
#78034 You can either do /spawn <Pokemon> Boss<number>
Or /spawn <pokemon>S For a shiny of that type
By CincyReds
#78074 You can find them naturally in the game. I've caught a shiny staryu, pidgey, and a tauros.