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By Madanex96
#72965 This is just to clear things up. There are so many different pixelmon mods out there, and I have tried googleing the answer to this, but I keep getting a different answer. I have hear that Firestone Ore can be found in the nether, that it can't be found in the nether, that it spawns at a certain height in the nether, that it spawns at a certain height by lava in the real world, that it spawns above lava in the real world, and that it spawns in the real world under lava. So I just want to ask. Where exactly, at what height, and do Firestone Ore's spawn in the nether?

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By Tom_X
#73018 First of all, how can there be "many Pixelmon mods"? There's only 1 Pixelmon mod, this one... Second of all, nothing spawns in the nether as of now, and the Ore spawns near lava ponds, in the surface or underground, as far as I know.