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By Wolf_Games
#72796 Im a small time youtuber, and Ive been wondering if there is any good pixelmon servers? Ive been on three and they either dont have a very good know-about, or there is nothing but griefers and no staff to help... :cry: So if possible maybe some suggestions of a good well balanced server?

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By Kuwoobie
Wolf_Games wrote:Im a small time youtuber, and Ive been wondering if there is any good pixelmon servers? Ive been on three and they either dont have a very good know-about, or there is nothing but griefers and no staff to help... :cry: So if possible maybe some suggestions of a good well balanced server?

Sounds like every Minecraft server ever.

You can join ours if you want. It is run by adults who know what they're doing, and help is always given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it on our forums.

Our IP is
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By DutchKroket
#73569 As the main moderator at the servers section I would say check out all the sticky servers. They deserve it!