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By DukeyExam
#5437 When I right click on the fossil machine with a fossil, it doesn't go in. I also tried it with all the fossils.

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By Nickthelegend
#5797 Not all the fossil pokemon are in the game yet so some wont work in the fossil machine. If you tried all of them then my best guess is that you have an older version or clicked in the wrong place.
By I_master_mind_I
#21757 It might also be that its a covered fossil which need to be cleaned with a fossil cleaner so that the fossil says the name of the actual pokemon
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By Jack_Attack12
#21805 Cliick the bottom part of a machine and....
I_master_mind_I wrote:It might also be that its a covered fossil which need to be cleaned with a fossil cleaner so that the fossil says the name of the actual pokemon
