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By dirtblocksteve
#70987 So I was watching Little Lizard Gaming on youtube, and he claimed that the legendarys won't spawn at all unless you change their spawn in the DATABASE file. I opened it on notepad++ and there are all these black boxes with coding on them and I don't know how to change the spawn rate of the pokemon. Please help? How do I add a spawn rate for the legendary birds and mew.

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By Trigore
#70990 You have to be authorized to edit the database. In other words your not allowed to.
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By dirtblocksteve
#70993 well then how am i supposed to get the legandery birds :( is there a way to be authorized? is there a way to change that? please explain :(
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Trigore wrote:You have to be authorized to edit the database. In other words your not allowed to.

this is a lie, thats only true for editing the master db which almost no one has acess to.
I'm going to assume you saw craftbattleduty's video and you want to do it to, just turn off auto updates and download the program he told you to (because i dont know it off the top of my head) and start editing the values of the db, cant do this on servers unless everyone shares the same database, but its good for single player worlds. anyways locked