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By Thepersianpig
#66533 I am Building An Adventure map and I was think about new commands for pixelmon or a side mod. I came up with a command set that would make a region and you can add pokemon and trainers to that region for certain spawning as command blocks aren't the best. here are some commands I thought of
/Region (List of region commands)
/Position add (1-20) to select an area to add a region
/Region new (Name) (Making a new region to edit)
/Region (name) Add/remove (Pokémon/Trainer) (to select what spawns)
/region delete (To delete a region)
/Region combine (name) (name) Combine two regions to one

tell me what you think. im am probably going to be shot down but at least I think it is a cool idea

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By AnDwHaT5
#66534 We no longer take suggestions and regions for setting up pixelmon spawns i think are already in planing. Locked