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By BBot4Life
#64137 Ok so I came up with the idea that i should make a trailer for pixelmon. As in show off the new pokemon implemented in to the new update in 1 animation. I just wanted to know if you guys would mind or if you don't want me to because it is your mod (if so that is cool).

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By Trigore
#64153 I'm pretty sure your allowed to make any video to support the mod just don't have a official tag or anything and it should be fine.
By BBot4Life
#64243 Ok so my idea is this. It's about Red. Basically the 3 birds invade this town and there is fire everywhere. Red's dad joins the battle with many others but dies in it. The birds have flown off and the town are all sad. Red is sent on a journey by his mother with his dad's old best pokemon (You should know what it is). A few years later Red meets up with the 3 birds and begins battling. Most of the battle is skipped but i will show a few pokemon going to attack. It ends with all Red's pokemon fainted but his first. He sends it out and attacks. And that is the end.
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MrMasochism wrote:Go for it. If it comes out well we'll put it on the official pixelmon youtube channel

thats a thing?
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By Burgy
SPG wrote:
MrMasochism wrote:Go for it. If it comes out well we'll put it on the official pixelmon youtube channel

thats a thing?