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By FoxInABox
#60251 [highlight]Two player in a battle where they use a low level against a lvl 100 and he just dies on purpose to boost the weak one..

Are there planned anything to stop this boost method?[/highlight] atm battle exp is disabled on this server, but the wild pokemons are not high enough level to level up on without grinding so people complains ..

Was hoping there would be:
- level range check, so if the pixelmons used in battle is n levels apart it will give 0 exp..
- 1 hour list where "a fought b at timestamp", so fighting the same trainer over and over won't give exp.
- scalar level on wild pokemon based on distance from spawn point?

By Firespar
#60326 We used to have this problem on a server I helped with. The best solution is to disable PvP experience, but that still leaves the initial training difficulty. Changing the area around your spawn to a Forest might help a little bit, since Forests spawn the most lower-leveled Pokemon (mostly Caterpie, Rattata, Weedle, etc.), or you could give each new player a few Rare Candies to get them on their feet. I usually wait until I can make a few Ultra Balls and catch something that can actually win a few battles, then switch train my starter for a few levels, but of course that's pretty hard to do on adventure servers.