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By schockerjo
#58806 Hey, I wanted to create a shop with pixelom items on my MCPC+ server.
The problem is that we dont want to use custom NPCs, we want something like chestshop or an alternative.

Thank you!

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By MissingNoL
#58816 There's a plug-in that allows for buying and selling items by only using signs. Like, you put [Buy] or [Sell] in the top row, the quantity underneath, the item ID under that, and the pricing underneath that. It's better than ChestShop because you only have to place signs, so you can do an item frame with the item in it right above the sign.
The problem is that I don't know the name of it, but in my opinion, it's the best. I think it might be called SignShop, but remember, it's the one that uses only signs.
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By kiracastle
#58978 If you are using MCPC plus, you can also use bukkit plugins. I suggest to use essentials, it has everything you will need for a server. Including a buy and sell sign
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By Burgy
schockerjo wrote:Hey, I wanted to create a shop with pixelom items on my MCPC+ server.
The problem is that we dont want to use custom NPCs, we want something like chestshop or an alternative.

Thank you!

This will only work with MCPC,
If you are running Bukkitforge, it wont add the Item ID and when you put the ID in to the sign or the chest shop it will give you an error
As well as the /give and /tp commands don't work. So chest shop additionally would not work.