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By Braincabinet
#50128 Hi my "name" is Braincabinet.
I am 22 years old from Norway and I am an industrial electrical apprentice. :)
Just thought i would introduce myself since its nice to know a little about the people I am working with.
I am telling you this also because that might explain why I am not working so fast on my model Mudkip, Since life is kinda bogging me down.
I get home from long heavy days at work and kind of can't motivate myself to do much more than watching stuff on netflix and such. :D

I do hope someone took the time to read this little message,
and will take the time to write a little about themselves since I wouldn't mind knowing who i am working alongside ^^

By Blaze150
#50152 Although were not really working together i was thinking of starting to model so yeah
I am Blaze150 I'm a fifteen year old student in australia most of my spare time i just play pixelmon namely Justiscraft and im pretty anti-social so i dont really talk to a lot of people outside of pixelmon and i stay up really late most of the time about midnight to 2am