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Issue with allowing players to use healers, PCs, etc

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2013 14:49
by Evilshallwin
On a server I'm setting up permissions for, we're using modifyworld and PEX, and it works beautifully except for one problem.

I have tried a couple different perms for this, but players cannot use healers, PCs, trade machines, fossil machines, or fossil cleaners.

Does anyone know what permission I would have to add to get these items to work with MCPC+ and modifyworld? Currently, only ops can use them, which is a pretty big issue, as we can't op everyone.

EDIT: Figured it out! Apparently healers and stuff have really weird block ids different from the creative menu and are called icy rocks in the inventory.

Just do middle click while in creative on one of these pixelmon blocks to get the weird ids.