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By sargeantsimon
SPG wrote:my suggestion is to go into mcedit (or worldedit if you have to) and clear out an entire area to the void, and make sevral platforms out of different blocks, ie leaves, grass, dirt, stone, cobble ect and see what spawns on it, that would be your best bet into figuring out on what spawns on what

Should anyone actually attempt this method, be sure to create each kind of platform at different levels (i.e. platforms of leaves, grass, stone, etc. at levels 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80.) and post your results so we can all have them. Granted, you're still unlikely to see a mew with this method unless you're planning on spending a lot of time doing it.

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sargeantsimon wrote:
SPG wrote:my suggestion is to go into mcedit (or worldedit if you have to) and clear out an entire area to the void, and make sevral platforms out of different blocks, ie leaves, grass, dirt, stone, cobble ect and see what spawns on it, that would be your best bet into figuring out on what spawns on what

Should anyone actually attempt this method, be sure to create each kind of platform at different levels (i.e. platforms of leaves, grass, stone, etc. at levels 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80.) and post your results so we can all have them. Granted, you're still unlikely to see a mew with this method unless you're planning on spending a lot of time doing it.

mew spawns like every land pokemon, so it woulldnt matter, as long as things spawn on the platforms, it doesnt matter
By nyv
#44421 Yeah I have no idea how to use MCedit nor do I really care that much to try and learn :P

But I would like to note I cleared out about 200x200 blocks in a jungle so now it's just grass and a pond. All wood and leaves are gone and not a single jungle pokemon has spawned in that area in the multiple times I've gone back there.

So I am pretty sure they need to spawn on leaves, also the amount of times they spawn trapped in a leave bunch further supports this hypothesis.

I may just bring out the shears again but this time instead of chucking out the leaves I pick up, I'll lay them all flat along a massive plain.
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#44424 dont leave and come back, nothing will load there because you are unloading the chunks, the test wasnt propper, what you ahve to do is sit there afk for a bit to do a proper test
By nyv
#44446 What? Don't leave and come back? I was under the impression that's how pixelmon spawned. I thought they spawn when the chunk loads.

I have done that anyway. I have come and gone about 7 times and twice when I've gone there I've run through the entire biome and circled back but haven't seen a single jungle pokemon spawn. There have been others though, like kadabra and the likes (also caught two dragoinaires in the pond last time I was there :D )
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nyv wrote:What? Don't leave and come back? I was under the impression that's how pixelmon spawned. I thought they spawn when the chunk loads.

I have done that anyway. I have come and gone about 7 times and twice when I've gone there I've run through the entire biome and circled back but haven't seen a single jungle pokemon spawn. There have been others though, like kadabra and the likes (also caught two dragoinaires in the pond last time I was there :D )

no, minecraft mobs (including the pixelmon mobs) spawn 16 blocks away from the player