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By nattinatt
#210756 I dont know where i would otherwise contact you guys. I got banned on the pixelmon discord server on the 27th January this year. My username is NattiNatt#3076.
I got banned for the false reason and i was mad at the time about how i got permanently banned.
I was a passive member and one day a raid happened in the server with bots messaging people in dms. I got a dm about an NFT server scam and so i reportet the Scammer to the discord server it shared with me. But after i made the report I got banned instead of the scammer?? Even after a while you guys didnt even check on who you guys banned. The ban reason was "advertising NFT server". i tried to send a friend request to one of the admins but there is literally no other way to appeal.
Please unban me so i can be up to date about the game. I did nothing wrong and im disappointed about the handling at the time.
if you need my discord ID i will happily give it to you.