- 28 Jul 2020 05:48
I found a way using command blocks and the advancement for defeating your first wild pokemon.
First I made a scoreboard named Kills, with the objective trigger (scoreboard objectives add Kills trigger)
Then I enabled all players to trigger the scoreboard with a command block on repeat:
scoreboard players enable @a Kills
Afterwards I put three command blocks in a chain.
1 - advancement test
name pixelmon:wild_battle_victories/wild_battle_victory_trigger
//This one checks if the given player/players have the advancement
2 - execute
name 513 56 -1758 trigger Killsadd 1
//This one adds +1 to the scoreboard for the given player. The coordinates I do not know if matter, but apperantly I had to add them for the command block to work (it is the cords of the command block)
3 - advancement revoke
name only pixelmon:wild_battle_victories/wild_battle_victory_trigger
//This one removes the advancement for the given player, so that they can kill another pokemon and gain the advancement anew.
I found this method works, but is very clunky.