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By Counterfire
#205413 Many years ago when pixlemon was first created me and my brother used to play on a server that was very much like pokemon Go!
It had different zones, trainers and gyms as well as pokestops.

I am now trying t find the same server (if it exists) or something similar for my son as he has recently begun playing pixelmon on his own. He loves pokemon GO! and thought this would be a great server for him to play on.

Does anyone remember this server or have any info on something like that please?

Thanks in advance, and sorry if this is the wrong place or has been posted before.

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By SKyTheThunder
#205416 The majority of servers used to run Pokestops back in the day, the other features you describe are part of pretty much every server. Not many details to go by unless you have a name or one-of-a-kind landmark or feature.

Sadly most of the old servers went down after the Original shut down and only few of those picked back up when Reforged came around. So the chances of finding that exact one aren't good...

That said, I believe some servers are still running Pokestops or Pokestop-like plugins, so with a bit of luck you may find one that fits. Best bet would probably be to join our Discord server (invite link in the sidebar to the right) and look through the server advertisement channel we have there. There are also a few listing/voting sites around that carry Pixelmon servers.