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By Rikurobb
#205108 How can I tell if a player has a specific pokemon in there party, or if that pokemon has certain attributes such as certain moves with command blocks? Need this in order to do a few things such as a more advanced fly that takes you to certain towns by clicking the thing I want, which I know how to do, but I need to /testfor if a pokemon in the party knows the fly move, rather than checking the players inventory for fly as I don't think that is as fluid to pixelmon's mechanics. By utilizing this, I can make dig only break a certain block as it is not done through the digs move, it is through command blocks and it just checks if a pokemon has the dig move. Similarly I can add an external use for the Strength move, and modify my pokemons cut. My plan is to make a book that is called something like HM book, and it will allow the player to perform a certain HM or possibly any other external move I would like to add to it, and only on the blocks that I allow, thus giving the game a more pokemon feel to it.
I believe I can test for an entity, if the pokemon trainer has that pokemon out, but im not sure what attributes for moves to use in my /testfor @e[pixelmon:pixelmon] as I would need more than that. If you have any suggestions, comment them below. I am trying to make this is good as I possibly can, already have about 400 Command blocks just for the starter system in which you can choose any starter from gen 1 or gen 2, and it supports up to 5 players, with your rival (Gary) taking the 6 pokemon, or whatever pokemon beats your pokemon best, defaulting to gen 1 unless you only choose gen 2 pokemon.