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Legendaryplus disabling legendaries?

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2019 10:46
by coolrooman
As soon as I installed LegendaryPlus no legendaries have been spawning on my server, I installed it around 13 hours ago and this is the list

I've also noticed that the config settings for legendary spawns are really inaccurate considering when I set it to try to spawn a legendary every 15 mins at 40% as a test 2 spawned the whole day, is this just a bug?

Legendaryplus disabling legendaries?

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2019 13:24
by XpanD
Is there anything logged during startup or normal operation? Either could help, here.

Also, what version of Pixelmon are you running, and what other sidemods? What does "/dolegendaryspawn" do? (may need to repeat a few times)