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By MaybeToothless
#200313 Pixelmon Team,

I know the mod is going to be gone soon but I would still like to thank you for what you have created for the Minecraft Community. I and many other players have very fond memories of this mod. I have a couple fond memories that I would like to share with you all. The first memory is when I first got the Pixelmon mod 3 years ago because I was so excited because it was my first mod ever. Another memory I find to be very special for me was when I pick my first starter Mudkip who was the starter that I used for my first Pokemon game. Also I still fondly remember when I caught my first shiny and my first legendary and how happy I was. As time has gone by I have gotten better and better at Pixelmon and this mod made me think about what Pokemon would be good together in a team instead of me just picking the strongest Pokemon I know. I'm sad to see the mod go and I would just like to say thank you for being brave enough to put out an idea and seeing what happens to it and how it grew into something that people can enjoy and use to make them feel better. Thank you for all of that. My last favor I ask of you is that you keep being awesome and developing mod and most of all, having fun together.

Hopefully we can meet again,
Loyal Pixelmon Player