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By Gyoll
#199536 I'm not sure if this is a known bug or something I've set wrong, but vendor and healer npcs don't seem to spawn in pokecenters or pokemarts in towns on my multiplayer server. In singleplayer on the same map seed, they spawn just fine, and I can manually spawn them in with the npc editor on the server.

Have I set something up incorrectly, or is this what is supposed to be happening?

By Gyoll
#199586 Thank you for the suggestion! I tried playing around with a few of the config settings, like whether marts are allowed to spawn, or the max number of npc's. Unfortunately, none of those changed the situation.

Weirdly enough, if I spawn in a center or mart with the struc command, the npc's spawn like normal. So the issue really seems to be that in the naturally generated marts and centers, the npc spawning is failing for some reason.

Anyone know what might cause that?