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By Kakumi
#198117 Hi (sorry for my bad English)
So, i try to build a server but player can't use /ivs /Evs,.. (server work in 1.7.10)
i think permissions note for PixelExtras and Ivs/Evs change with sponge and i'm on bukkit.
List of permissions :
Code: Select all/breed: pixelextras.command.breed
/breeding: pixelextras.command.breeding
/compsearch: pixelextras.command.compsearch
/compsee: pixelextras.command.compsee
/comptake: pixelextras.command.comptake
/evs: pixelextras.command.evs
/hatch: pixelextras.command.hatch
/hiddenpower: pixelextras.command.hiddenpower
/ivs: pixelextras.command.ivs
/movelist: pixelextras.command.movelist
/pc: pixelextras.command.pc
/pheal: pixelextras.command.pheal
/pokecolor: pixelextras.command.pokecolor
/pokedel: pixelextras.command.pokedel
/pokeedit: pixelextras.command.pokeedit
/pokeevolve: pixelextras.command.pokeevolve
/pokekill: pixelextras.command.pokekill
/pokerandom: pixelextras.command.pokerandom
/pokereset: pixelextras.command.pokereset
/pokerestart: pixelextras.command.pokerestart
Allow /pokerestart to be used on the command's user: pixelextras.pokerestart.self
Allow /pokerestart to be used on other players: pixelextras.pokerestart.others
/pokeretrieve: pixelextras.command.pokeretrieve
/pokesee: pixelextras.command.pokesee
/pokesell: pixelextras.command.pokesell
/pokespawncoords: pixelextras.command.pspawn
/poketake: pixelextras.command.poketake
/redeemfossil: pixelextras.command.redeemfossil
/tms: pixelextras.command.tms
/tradesim: pixelextras.command.tradesim
/xpmod: pixelextras.command.xpmod

Code: Select all/evs: ivsevs.command.evs
/ivs: ivsevs.command.ivs
/hiddenpower: ivsevs.command.hiddenpower

can i have this permission for bukkit please :/ ?