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By Elliott517
#194691 So I want to be able to control my battle cam with the WASDQE keys, but it's not working. I'm pretty sure this feature was added in one of the 4.3.0 Beta updates, and I am running 4.3.0, so I think I should be able to do it.
The graphics part of my config looks like this:

# Graphics settings.
Graphics {
# Show each Pokemon's health in a bar above their heads.
# Use the low resolution textures for Pokemon and Poke Balls. Useful for low-end systems.
# Set whether or not the player can control the camera during battles (sets to sphere based camera positioning)
# Multiplier of the 64 distance usually used for rendering.
# Display the currently selected Pokemon's attack target on the screen.
# Set whether or not to switch to an external camera during battles.
# Use the original Pokemon textures for statues.
# Use the SMD normal maps for shading Poke Balls.
# Use the SMD normal maps for shading Pokemon.

Right now my camera just looks down on the battle from straight above, and when I try to press WASDQE nothing happens.

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By MrMasochism
#194699 optifine seems to stop it working. I'm doing some tests on it. Hopefully i'll be able to find what they've modified which is stopping it