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By DaddyPudding
#191695 Hello there

Is there an official server for people to use for multiplayer on pixelmon or do I have to find a site to host? (if so, is there a site recommended by pixelmon?)

I'm trying to find a server for me and my friends to play on together, but any servers listed in my search keep telling me things such as "incompatible versions" or "can't join due to 'this' mod" etc etc.

All the mods I have are the basic requirements to run the pixelmon, other than that, everything about this goes pretty much over my head (my friend had to step by step guide me through installation) so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question.

These are our pixelmon/minecraft versions.

Sorry about this and thanks again!

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By Some Body
#191696 The most recent version of Pixelmon is 5.0.0 beta 12, and the current stable version is 4.2.7. Most servers will have either of these versions, and you need to have the matching version to play on a server.