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Will legendaries spawn while I'm AFK?

PostPosted: 30 Oct 2016 20:55
by Kreeper
As the subject says. I'm asking because I often find myself AFK watching youtube or netflix or something, and when I do pixelmon don't seem to spawn as often. So I'm wondering if I sit AFK in a biome where legendaries spawn, will they still spawn when I'm sitting completely still?

Will legendaries spawn while I'm AFK?

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2016 15:31
by Rasgnarok
Yes. Legendaries spawn amongst the spawn numbers in a player's vicinity, so if you AFK in a Desert Hills, Groudon should spawn at one point.

Will legendaries spawn while I'm AFK?

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2016 15:41
by MrMasochism
they will still spawn while you are sitting completely still. Other pokemon spawning will slow down as there are no chunks being loaded in and out so counts are a little more static and the only spawning will be due to spaces being created from entities reaching their max time limit. Legendaries however are on a different system and will continue to spawn at their usual rate