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By CyanideIsHappyness
#187478 SO I do not know if i am the only one with this problem or if its been posted a lot, but i can no longer deal with it and i don't know whether the problem is on my end or not (although my guess is that its my computer/potato). So onto the problem after a few minutes of playing i start seeing the models for the Pokemon turn into just boxes or they just go insane and cover my whole screen. So one day i decided to mess around with this by spawning in different Pokemon. So while most just turn into boxes the three legendary birds had a different reaction. Three things happened. 1. They were invisible. 2. It was just tons of images in the shape of the bird. eg. Moltres was instead just a jumble JPG images of fire in the shape of Moltres. PLS HELP!!!!! Version: 4.2.7 ps: sorry for the many spelling and grammatical errors

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By MrMasochism
#187525 screenshot it but it sounds very likely that it's your graphics card. Try updating it's drivers and see if you get any improvement. You can also try turning vbo on and off in minecraft's video settings and see if you get any better