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By Mufti
#184936 Hey there!

I apologize in advance if this isn't the correct thread for my post, but I wouldn't know since I've never been all that good with Forums and the like.

Just tell me and I'll ask for a bump, or whatever you do in those situations.

Now, to the topic:
I got Pixelmon installed (5.0.0, Beta 6) for MC 1.10.2.
Same goes for Pixelmon Extras, both are installed properly on my Client and my Server.

While they are both recognized and Pixelmon can be used, none of the Pixelmon Extras commands has any effect whatsoever.
Instead of the desired effect taking place I get a Chat message saying:
"An unknown error occured while attempting to perform this command".

This holds true no matter what command I put in.
I'd really appreciate if sb could help me out with that, since I'd love to use the Extras the Mod should be providing.
