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By FridgeGuy
#184859 My apologies in advance for bothering everyone yet again with my ignorance.

Is there any guide or resource to the forage mechanic besides the wiki? It leaves me with a lot of unanswered questions, and I haven't been able to find any guides to the topic here. If there isn't, here are my main questions:

1) When a player tries to target water as a forage target, do you have to ensure you aren't pointing at any other blocks in rage, say, dirt or sand, even if they are two or more blocks away?

2) How are dual-type pokemon forage attempts calculated for a block associated with both types? For example, if you get a cloyster to forage a water source block, is there a 50% chance it will be treated as an attempt by a pure water pokemon and a 50% chance it will be treated as an attempt by a pure ice type, or is it more complicated than that?

3) Does anything influence the chance that a forage attempt will yield nothing during an attempt? Do you get diminishing returns if you target the same block or type of block for a while? Is there any sort of "recharge time" that one must wait to pass for the chances of obtaining nothing to return to normal, and if so, is that time played, time battled, etc? Does level or time of day or anything else effect the success rate?

I apologize for being such a nuisance, but I can't seem to find any answers on my own or through searching, and my results "feel" a lot lower than what the wiki suggests, although I may just be misinterpreting things.

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By Some Body
#184864 1) No.
2) That is essentially what happens. It's slightly more complicated than that as the chance of receiving nothing is only taken into account once, so the percentage chance of items will be somewhat higher.
3) No.