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By urbymine
#183264 I went trough the config files and noticed the following configs:
-disable/enable EXP gained by PVP battles
-disable/enable EXP gained by NPC trainers
-a general EXP modifier to set how much EXP players get relative to the average amount.

I'd like to set different EXP modifiers for wild battles, NPC trainers and PVP trainers .i don't want to completely disable NPC and PVP exp, but just decrease the amount by a lot without touching the EXP gains of wild pokemon battles.

i'm wondering if there are any config's i looked over or if there are currently ways to set a separate EXP gain % for each of those 3 individually(for example: 100% for wild, 75% for npc and only 40% for pvp)
I'm asking here first before i go suggesting it just in case i'm just ignorant.