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By only1balto
#181665 Hello all. I've got a couple of kids (all under 11 years of age) who love minecraft as well as "Pixelmon". Using both my laptop and desktop I'm able to set up a LAN to where they can have fun and explore together.

Using the stock current Pixelmon mod- without any server additions, is it possible to play the game to it's fullest while enjoying all the benefits that comes along with the mod? And if not- is there a way to get it to be as stand alone as possible?

We played it last night- but most of our time is spent looking for Pokemarts to heal our pixelmon. Then I realized that there were no sheep's to help craft beds so that we could stay there, or shops to buy items from. Is this where the server aspect comes in? Thanks for all your help.

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By Some Body
#181667 Villages contain Pokémon Centers and PokéMarts, so you can reset the world until you find a seed with a village close to spawn if you don't want to go looking for one.

Mareep can be sheared just like sheep. If you want actual sheep mobs, you can also turn on vanilla Minecraft mobs in the config.