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By DgtlRenegade
#180245 There's so many pixlemon servers right now (I blame Pokémon GO), and I've been looking for a long time but can't seem to find one I like. Here's what I'm looking for:

-Somewhat mature audience. I'm 21 - but I understand most servers will have people under 16 all over. I'd just prefer to not be the only older person.

-Shinies and Legendaries still rare

-Active, HEALTHY economy. This is where the most frustration has been. I'll get on a server, like what I see, set up base, start leveling pokes and I'll find out someone sells a Fire Stone for like 50k. And you can buy shinies for 100k and legendries are only like 80k. This ruins the entire server for me in a heartbeat. One of my favorite parts of pixlemon is collecting and selling the new items (or buying them) and when the economy is this broken I can't play on the server. I don't want free ultra balls either. While they're easy to craft I expect I should have to craft them or pay money.

For this reason, I was looking at new servers who haven't broken their economy yet. However, I instantly notice things like them spawning starters at spawn, or legendaries every few hours even though theres only like 3 players. Because of this, I can see the economy is going to go crazy very quickly.

-I'd like a player base of ~20 on average. Will consider higher or slightly lower if it meets the above requirements.

-Decent spawns! The last server I played on was wonderful but has suffered from unbelievably low spawn rates for pokes for the last year. I'm talking 1 pokemon spawns by your house every 20 minutes...

Anyone know a server that meets these demands? Emphasis is on a healthy economy.