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By One4Deku
#178976 I bought minecraft when pixelmon first became a thing, and now i want to return. I used to play on safari/island servers, with no building, or clamed areas just prebuild map with loots, and pokemons. If i remember correctly there was a mode where the player data resets every few hours or so and you could play pixelmon island just like in the popular youtube series.
One of the servers i played at had a map with floating islands, with bridges connecting them, you had to unlock something to get to the next island, and every island had small quests.

I know it's a very vauge description, but it was probably the best time i had with minecraft. The server may not even exist right now, but if that's the case i want to look for something similar. I already tried the currently most popular servers at least 10 of them, but only found "vanilla" ones.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!